Hi there. How are you all doing? Ann has received 4 lots of ATC cards so far and has said they are absolutely stunning. Can you give us an idea of when you may be able to send the others - no stress though - just so she knows to keep an eye out for them. She is really looking forward to seeing the rest. Hope you are having a great weekend. Been quite cool here in Auckland, but having lovely sunny days.

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Tricia Williams said...

Exciting - can't wait to get Happy Mail :O)

Brenda said...

2 out of 4 that's me and you Tricia LOL.. Cant wait to see the complete set!!

Tricia Williams said...

Are we there yet?

Tricia Williams said...

Hi :O) Haven't heard anything on ATC swap for ages, What happening?

Carol said...

Hi Tricia, Ann cant post here for some reson, but i was talking to her the other day and she only has 8 sets out of 9 :( i might put up a post and see if anyone wonts to join in so we get the other 3,was waiting for her to let me know who was missing incase they have them sitting at home

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